Unlike common water treatment technologies (desalination, water purification, sewage treatment etc.), SEAS water production systems do not return any impurities to the local ecosystems, and therefore, do not pollute. The extraction of water from air provides an almost unlimited source of clean water for drinking, industrial, and agricultural purposes without damaging the surrounding environment.
SEAS systems can be powered by generators using solar energy, wind turbines, and other renewable energy sources, further reducing the carbon footprint, i.e. the emission of climate-altering gases into the atmosphere.
The moisture in ambient air is pratically unlimited, and it provides an untapped source of celan water – there are many water-stressed geographies that are already predicting air to water production will be a growing percentage of total clean water production.
SEAS is committed to supporting non-profit organizations in their efforts to deliver drinking water to disadvantaged populations that lack the resources to meet their own daily water needs.