SEAS developed a dedicated System for the storage of 25,000 / 50,000 litres of water combined with a SEAS machine of adequate production from 50 to 1,000 litres per day, all independently powered by photovoltaic plants and controlled via GPRS or satellite.
This solution allows for water reserves strategically located in areas of high risk of fires. And it is all controlled centrally by means of a real time communication network. The storage tanks will always be kept full of water by the AWA MODULA SEAS system, which also ensures its control. Everything works with SEAS Photovoltaic Energy Systems.
The solution does not require any construction work or destruction of the existing flora and it is environmentally friendly. It allows for a fast fire extinguishing intervention with local water reserves, or the use for preventive centrally controlled irrigation.
In the same way, everything can be combined with DOMO type supply systems for remote areas alongside roads, motorways for those sections which are without supplies or facilities to provide water to the population in transit. All this allows for guaranteed and controlled storage of water, protected from the use and abuse of third parties, from animals or from simple evaporation.